
          Micromotor manufacturer Micromotor manufacturer
          Shaded pole motor

          Shaded pole motor

          Cross flow fan

          Cross flow fan

          Series motor

          Series motor

          Brushless DC motor

          Brushless DC motor

          Iron core punching

          Iron core punching



          News Products

          FZ6016-Gearbox motor

          FZ6016-Fan motor






          Product application

          The company's main products include three series of products: cover pole motor, through fan motor and series excitation motor, which are mainly used to provide solutions and services for customers in the fields of small household appliances and electrical equipment such as microwave oven, oven, light wave oven, electric fan, ventilator, heater, humidifier, air purifier, range hood, electric fireplace, freezer, mixer, electric blower and paper shredder.

          Product application solutions

          Four advantages

          Professional manufacturer of Micromotor equipment

          Multiple patentsIt has perfect equipment, holds the core technology and constantly innovates micro motor products.

          Complete categoriesThe company's production follows ISO9001 standard, with complete product types and guaranteed quality.

          Continuous innovationAs a technology-oriented enterprise, we always pay attention to the market trend and constantly optimize products.

          Good qualityHave a persistent persistence and pursuit of details, constantly improve the process and improve the quality.

          Since 1998

          Guangdong Fangzhan Motor Co., Ltd was founded in 1998. The factory is located in Foshan, China. It covers an area of about 10000 square meters and has more than 300 employees. It is a professional micro motor enterprise integrating design, R & D, production and sales. The annual productivity has reached 5 million units. With the continuous development of more than ten years, Fangzhan plays a more and more important role in the home appliance industry. MORE
          • 10000+

            Factory area

          • 300+


          • 500W

            Annual productivity

          Company honor

          Behind the shining is the uncompromising pursuit of quality

          CE certificate

          3C certification

          CE certificate

          UL certificate

          ISO9001 certificate

          3C certificate

        1. Ingenuity and wisdom

          Turn a better life

          Service hotline


        2. Fangzhan news

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        3. 112019-03
        4. Actual display of Micromotor manufacturer's factory

          Guangdong Shunde Fangzhan Motor Co., Ltd. was founded in 1998. The factory is located in Foshan, Chi……
        5. 082020-01
        6. Why are shaded pole motors widely used in household appliances?

          Shaded pole motor, also known as shaded pole motor, is one of single-phase AC motors. Cage type inclined slot cast aluminum rotor is usually used. According to ……

        7. 222019-09
        8. Application characteristics of Brushless DC motor

          Brushless DC motor is widely used, such as automobile, electrical appliances, machinery, tools, industrial control, automation, aerospace and so on. What charac……

        9. 112019-03
        10. Actual display of Micromotor manufacturer's factory

          Guangdong Shunde Fangzhan Motor Co., Ltd. was founded in 1998. The factory is located in Foshan, China. It covers an area of about 10000 square meters and has m……

        11. 162018-06
        12. Introduction to cross flow fan

          The cross flow fan was first proposed by French engineer Mortier in 1892. The impeller is multi blade, long cylindrical and has forward multi wing blades.Chines……

        13. 182018-03
        14. What is series motor and its characteristics?

          Single phase series excitation motor is commonly known as series excitation motor or universal motor (foreign name), which is named because the excitation windi……

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