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          Application characteristics of Brushless DC motor

          Time:2019-9-22 Click:
          Brushless DC motor is widely used, such as automobile, electrical appliances, machinery, tools, industrial control, automation, aerospace and so on. What characteristics does it have?

          1. It can replace DC motor speed regulation, frequency converter + variable frequency motor speed regulation, asynchronous motor + reducer speed regulation;
          2. It has the advantages of traditional DC motor and cancels the structure of carbon brush and slip ring;
          3. It can operate at low speed and high power, and can save the large load directly driven by the reducer;
          4. Small volume, light weight and large output;
          5. Excellent torque characteristics, good middle and low speed torque performance, large starting torque and small starting current;
          6. Stepless speed regulation, wide speed regulation range and strong overload capacity;
          7. Soft start, soft stop and good braking characteristics, which can eliminate the original mechanical braking or electromagnetic braking device;
          8. High efficiency, the motor itself has no excitation loss and carbon brush loss, eliminates multi-stage deceleration consumption, and the comprehensive power saving rate can reach 20% ~ 60%.
          9. High reliability, good stability, strong adaptability, simple maintenance and repair;
          10. Resistant to turbulence and vibration, low noise, small vibration, smooth operation and long service life;
          11. No spark, especially suitable for explosive places, explosion-proof;
          12. Trapezoidal wave magnetic field motor and sine wave magnetic field motor can be selected as required.

          For more introduction of Brushless DC motor, you can contact Fangzhan electric appliance for professional application introduction.

          For relevant introduction, please refer to Baidu Encyclopedia of Brushless DC motor
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